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from : Bollington, Cheshire, UK

personal object : an Iranian-style ring

My ring was purchased in Istanbul, Turkey. It was from a humble shop vendor with a great story to tell. He was previously a renowned and world-class body builder from Syria but, after the war broke out, he could no longer sustain his training regime and was forced to flee Syria due to the conflict. My ring travelled with me back to the UK and I have treasured it since. It was once lost for months and found again, buried in my garden. It means an awful lot to me.

chosen artwork : Samurai Tree (Invariant 5)    Gabriel Orozco, 2005

I have chosen this piece as I like the geometric shapes and bold colours. I like to play chess; the shapes in this painting correspond to chess moves.


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 Click here to see Abbie's chosen artwork at the Tate