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from : Kent, UK

personal object : a ring

This ring was a gift from my father when I was sixteen. It is from Zanzibar. The stone is citrine and is associated with happiness. I have worn it everyday and now I am twenty-eight. It was expensive and I have had to have it fixed twice. When I had it fixed, I was told the stone was made of glass. My ring reminds me of my father.

chosen artwork : Make Art Not War    Bob and Roberta Smith, 1997

What a statement! I studied the work of Bob and Roberta Smith during my GCSE art course. I was16 - it was the same time I got my ring. The following year I did an art project with my ring as the subject matter; I think the module title was ‘Structures’. I have the fondest memories of studying art at school - my eyes were opened to the world. The art room was a haven.


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 Click here to see Rosie's chosen artwork at the Tate